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The backend is divided into three parts.

    └───app <-- Our main Backend App (Fast API)
      ├───songs <-- routes for our Song matching API
      ├───genius <-- Objects and tests for Genius API
      └───twitter <-- Objects and tests for Twitter API
genius and twitter are called within songs.

app - Fast API

Our main app uses the Fast API Python Web Framework Info here

songs - Fast API

This portion of the application holds all our routes for our Song API endpoints.

Our objects from genius and twitter are used within songs to return songs which match a user's timeline (timeline = list of tweets).

genius - lyricgenius

We are using a Python wrapper for Genius's API called lyricgenius

🧠 find out more about lyricgenius

twitter - tweepy

We are using a Python wrapper for Twitter's API called tweepy

🧠 find out more about tweepy

In addition to that, we are using nltk to process the tweets and figure out the most common words from a user's timeline.

Quick Start

Below are the instructions for running Fast API locally


👩‍👧 Clone repository

git clone
cd you

Navigate to tweetbrain/backend

cd tweetbrain
cd backend

You should find yourself here:

    └───backend <-- you are here

🐍 Create Python virtual environment

There are a good amount of depencies for this project -- it will be good practice to use a virtual environment, albeit not necessary.

python3 -m venv env
python -m venv env
python -m venv env

The last argument is the location to create the virtual environment. Generally, you can just create this in your project and call it env.

✅ Activate virtual environment

source env/bin/activate

📦 Navigate to the repository folder and install packages

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


🔐 This portion provides authentication information, which is NOT in our repository

Method 1: secrets.json

💾 Those who are a part of our Web Jam team have access to a secrets.json file. This is the simplest way -- even if you don't have this file, you can make your own with the same name. Download that file, and paste it within tweetbrain/backend:

    └───backend <-- paste secrets.json within here

Method 2: Set environmental variables

🌳 If you do not have our json file, or if you cannot use it for some reason, you will need to write environmental variables within your terminal. These variables must be made in the terminal/shell where your virtual environment is running

The environmental variables are specified within tweetbrain/backend/

To set environmental variables, follow these instructions:

export CONSUMER_KEY=your_consumer_key
export CONSUMER_SECRET=your_consumer_secret
export ACCESS_TOKEN=your_access_token
export ACCESS_SECRET=your_access_secret
set CONSUMER_KEY=your_consumer_key
set CONSUMER_SECRET=your_consumer_secret
set ACCESS_TOKEN=your_access_token
set ACCESS_SECRET=your_access_secret

Genius API Tokens

export GENIUS_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_genius_access_token
set GENIUS_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_genius_access_token

Running the Backend API

🦄 Run Fast API using uvicorn

Run uvicorn.

uvicorn app.main:app --reload

You’ll see output similar to this:

←[32mINFO←[0m:     Uvicorn running on ←[1mhttp://←[0m (Press CTRL+C to quit)
←[32mINFO←[0m:     Started reloader process [←[36m←[1m38240←[0m] using ←[36m←[1mstatreload←[0m
←[32mINFO←[0m:     Started server process [←[36m13020←[0m]
←[32mINFO←[0m:     Waiting for application startup.
←[32mINFO←[0m:     Application startup complete.